15 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About Vietnam

Today we want to take you on a trip around southeastern Asia with a stopover in Vietnam. Bringing you all the interesting things you didn’t know about this controversial and beautiful country situated in the Indochina. The peninsula of Vietnam is one of the most visited cities in southeastern Asia along with Thailand and Cambodia. Due to its rich culture, controversial history, and beautiful temples. Vietnam is relatively small only 330 1210 square kilometers something like the size of California. And then it has more shoreline than Florida.

Since the war ended in 1975 the country bloomed with tourists willing to see all of its magical rivers and beaches and the magical old cities. Vietnam is a nature’s paradise that will make you fall in love with it instantly.And keep you coming back to the unique culinary experience.

1. Vietnam Is A Cultural Mix Of Chinese, French, And Japan

Being such a small country Vietnam has had its struggles with Chinese occupation for over millennia in the northern area. The French came over in the 1950s in the first Indochina war. And the Japanese took over in the 1940s constantly battling with powerful empires. Given the fact, the country has a key location in the peninsula. Vietnam hasn’t had a lot of time to heal all this. Constant fighting for its independence has led to the country that it is today with influences from various other nations that ruled over. We can see these influences everywhere from cuisine to literature, music and even looks.

2. It Is Home The Some Amazing UNESCO Heritage Sites

With a geographical landscape full of hills, forests, rivers, deltas, and seashore. Vietnam scores with its Halong bay a UNESCO heritage site. The bay consists of over 1600 cliffs of limestone rising from the sea at heights of over 200 meters tall. The cliffs have different geological roots and throughout the years. They inspired old tales, myths and increase tourism in the Quang Ninh Province. Significantly Halong bay is a highly photographed UNESCO heritage site due to its wide panoramic views. That can be seen from the shore or near islands like Monkey Island.

3. Legend Has It That People From Vietnam Are Descendants Of An Immortal Chinese Princess

The entire Asian culture is based on legends and myths and Vietnamese people don’t lack their fair share of stories. Legend has it that the people of Vietnam were born after the union between an immortal Chinese princess from the high mountains. And the Dragon Lord of the Seas after their marriage. The princess bore 100 eggs to the Dragon Lord and the eggs soon hatched to give 100 sons. Convinced that their distinct origins
would ultimately make them unhappy. If they remain together the couple went their separate ways each taking fifty sons. And establishing magnificent nations that stretched across Southeast Asia. The king and his sons ruled over the lowlands and his eldest son later established the very first of the Vietnamese dynasty. The story is a beautiful legend that parents still tell their children today.

4. Families Can Only Have Two Children Or ELse They Face Dire Fiscal Repercussion

Since 2016 Vietnam has recorded an astonishing number of 94.5 million inhabitants. The country’s population has grown very rapidly since the war ended in the 1970s. It actually doubled during the past 50 years. So the government decided to restrict families to only have two children. Families that don’t obey this face fiscal repercussions like high fines and increased taxes. The policy comes with a lot of issues because many women died from trying to get an abortion or get sick from using inadequate contraceptives.

5. Tourism Brings In More Than 900 Million Dollars Every Year

More than 40 years after the battle stopped people still want to visit the wars most commented battlefields. And see how it mixes with the ancient culture. This mix of modern developing cities, rich Asian culture, and scraps of war. Bring in over nine hundred and sixty-seven million dollars as of December 2016. With more than 10 million international tourists visiting the country in 2016 alone. Other popular tourist destinations include the former imperial capital of way. The world heritage sites of thong na ki bong national park and the marble mountains.

6. The Country Still Faces Extreme Poverty Nowadays

Like any other developing country, the capital and some bigger cities are developing and growing very fast. Yet some rural regions still live their lives with less than one dollar per day. This kind of poverty is smaller than it is in China India or the Philippines. But they still have people struggling to make it. Since not all regions can thrive from tourism, agriculture or business opportunities. The communist government the Americans tried to remove in the 70s plays a big role in the country’s economic growth and inclusive strategy. Nowadays they enjoy modern means of transportation. Sanitation has had a substantial improvement and their literacy rate is at 95% but they still have a long way to go.

7. Vietnam’s First President Embalmbed In A Public Mausoleum

Their first president Ho Chi Minh also called Uncle Ho died in 1969 he was loved by many and as a sign of eternal recognition. They embalmed his body and put it in a granite mausoleum in Hanoi. It goes by the name of ho chi Minh museum in Hanoi and it is dedicated to his life and work. Since he was the first president his birthday is now a national holiday celebrated across the whole country. This kind of practice is commonly seen in communist countries. Such as Russia or China and their former leader of Lenin or Mao Zedong is celebrated the same way. Streams of people cue each day sometimes for hours to pass by Ho Chi Minh’s body in silence and to honor him.

8. A Big Part Of The Population Suffers From PTSD

Being at war for most of your recent existence as a country is not something that people can take on very easily. The constant bombing and injuries caused by grenades and mines have led to a lot of casualties. And it’s the reason behind the post-traumatic stress disorder. Most of the population suffers from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Estimates that eight hundred and thirty thousand Vietnam War veterans suffered symptoms of PTSD. Even 25 years after the war to this day the United States provides a range of benefits for veterans. That includes tax-free cash payments, free low-cost mental health treatment, vocational rehabilitation services, employment assistance, and independent living support.

9. There Is A Love Market In Vietnam Where You Can Find Your Soulmate

This interesting social activity takes place every Saturday night in the city of sapa. And involves young girls and guys from all villages that come to the city to meet one another. They don’t actually trade their love but they use the market as an excuse for getting to know each other and spend some time together. Everyone gathered at the market sings and plays different games according to their ethnic group’s tradition. Lots of people become intimate after the market and even get married. The main idea is to spot a possible spouse coming from a similar background. As you do base on the clothes worn or the songs played as you would imagine the market brings in a lot of tourists as well.

10. Their Local Cuisine Is To Die For

As it happens with most Asian countries Vietnamese people eat a lot of rice. Besides, one of the most popular Vietnamese dishes is Duck, a beef or chicken noodle soup that most people rely on as comfort food when sick. It originates from French or Chinese cuisine a debate still going strong about this famous dish. You’ll find Vietnamese restaurants in pretty much every country. But be aware of the fact that it’s very different from your regular Chinese and Japanese food. Their culinary culture is developed around the five fundamental tastes spicy, sour, bitter, salty and sweet. In northern Vietnam, local dishes are often less spicy than southern dishes. As the colder northern climate limits the production and availability of spices.

11. Michael Jackson Has His Own Happy Land In Vietnam

Inspired by the Disneyland entertainment parks in Europe and the USA. Joe Jackson the father of late American pop star Michael Jackson decided to invest 2.2 billion dollars in the Vietnamese region. Along on creating a commemorative happy land for his son. On February 14, 2011, he attended a celebrating ceremony for what he intends to be Southeast Asia’s largest entertainment complex. With a 5-star hotel and amusement park called happy land. Was expected to be completed in 2014 as of 2018 happy land has yet to open.

12. One Of The Must-See Places In Vietnam Is The Forbidden Purple City In Hue

One of the must-see places in Vietnam is the forbidden purple city away. The forbidden purple city is a walled fortress and palace in the way the former imperial capital of Vietnam. And back then it was only accessible to the royal family and their servants. Established as the capital of unified Vietnam in 1802 hue was not only the political but also the cultural and religious center. The imperial city of Hue is now a complex of monuments available to all visitors and tourists. Since its UNESCO site now and was under construction until 2015. You should definitely pay a visit to the forbidden purple city when in Vietnam.

13. White Skin Is Considered Absolute Beauty

While on the western side of the world women and men spend time and money trying to get their skin perfectly tanned. Vietnamese people praised the exact opposite. White is considered to be the perfect skin color since 10 means laboring in the sun all day. This is why whitening products are such big business across the country. And Vietnamese cover up as much as possible when out in the sun.

14. The Drink Snake Wine For Vitality

Snake venom wine to be more precise. How do they do it by infusing whole snakes in rice wine or grain alcohol? And creating what they call snake wine. This rice wine commonly drinks for health, vitality and restorative purposes all over Vietnam. And snake venom dissolved in liquor, the snake venom poses no threat to the drinker. It’s denatured by the ethanol its proteins unfolded and therefore inactive and would be denatured by stomach acid. Anyway, as you would imagine the beverage is a major tourist attraction since it claims to have medicinal values.

15. A Vietnamese Man Invented ATM

Just stop for a second and imagine how life would have been different if it wasn’t for the invention of ATMs sounds a bit gray, doesn’t it? Well, dear a lack sirs I can tell you that Mr. Do Duc Cuong a Vietnamese American that had over 50 inventions worked for U.S. City bank invented the ATM a breakthrough in the banking history that people use constantly in modern cities. Quang wanted his work to be about popularizing banking services. And making these kinds of services accessible to everyone. We are all grateful for your work Dodyk Quang that was quite something wasn’t it.