What Is The Meaning Of Orange And The Psychology Of The Person Who Chooses It?

What Is The Meaning Of Orange And The Psychology Of The Person Who Chooses It?

Orange, which has a bright impression, is a color that makes you feel positive psychologically. Therefore, this time, I will introduce the psychology and meaning of choosing orange and the characteristics and effects of people who look good in orange.

The Meaning and Image of Orange

As the name suggests, orange is a color that is a mixture of yellow and red, reminiscent of orange. It is also called a vitamin color that makes you imagine citrus fruits with yellow and yellowish-green.

Orange type

  • Orange is also called orange, but there are various types depending on the color, such as reddish “persimmon” and slightly yellowish “tangerine.”
  • There are colors such as “carrot” like carrot, “pumpkin” like pumpkin, “apricot” like apricot, and “aurora” of pale orange. It’s a familiar color that you can see many colors of food names.
  • By the way, “Yamabuki” is orange-yellow, and “terracotta” is reddish-brown, which is close to dull orange.
  • All of them are warm colors that make you feel warm.

Orange image

  • Orange is a color that makes you think of foods such as tangerines, oranges, and carrots and things that make you feel the heat, such as the sun and flames.
  • Orange is also a color with a positive and energetic image.
  • Even spiritually, it is a color that means vitality, aspiration, health, etc. It is an image color that makes you psychologically positive.

Psychology of Those Who Choose Orange

Orange is a bright image color, so many people like orange have a bright and friendly personality. It is a color that is easily liked by those who are optimistic about everything, such as work and private life.

It is an active and energetic color, so if you suddenly liked orange recently, you may be looking for the energetic power of orange in deep psychology. Orange is the color you tend to choose when feeling positive, such as when you want to have aspirations or when you want to get results. It is also an easy color to choose when you want to feel happy.

However, on the other hand, orange is also a color with a strong presence, so if you have a negative impression such as “flashy” or “too conspicuous” when you see orange, it is a sign that you are mentally tired. Orange is a casual, friendly, and homely warm color. If you like orange, you may want to be a sun-like person who is kind and energizes the people around you, and you may get tired of trying too hard.

Also, even if you have a hard time or a sad thing, you may become optimistic, so you don’t look directly at it, so I want to be careful.

The Effect of Incorporating Orange in Fashion and Makeup

People who look good in orange

  • Orange is also a difficult color to incorporate compared to other colors such as pink, light blue, and monotone. Not only fashion but also nails and makeup. Depending on the shade of orange, the skin may look dull.
  • Orange is a unique color that is more suitable for those with a yellowish-yellow base. Also, among the yellow bases, the transparent spring type is easier to match with bright oranges and pale oranges. For the chic autumn type, deep orange is easy to match.

■ Orange that suits the spring type

A fresh and bright orange suits the spring type. It matches fresh and vibrant colors.

■ Orange that suits the autumn type

  • Deep orange suits Autumn type. By choosing a deep color, you can bring out the goodness of Autumn Type. I’m also good at matte textures, so it’s good to take it positively with your lips.
  • It is easier for blue-based people with fair skin to wear orange if you do not create a dull atmosphere by selecting a reasonably light orange or combining it with white to give a bright impression.

■ Orange that suits summer type

Summer-type people are good at pale colors. Colors such as Aurora Orange are recommended. Choosing a fresh and shiny lip will look great.

■ Orange that suits winter type

Winter-type people are not good at yellowish-orange and muddy colors. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a reddish-orange. It will be an energetic lip makeup.

Psychological effects of orange items

  • Orange is a color that is sociable and makes you look cheerful. Therefore, wearing an orange color will boost your motivation and make you feel happy.
  • It is also effective when you want to be active because it gives a bright and energetic impression to the people around you.
  • However, bright orange is a color that looks flashy or unscrupulous depending on the scene, so if you like orange, you should be careful.
  • In the business scene, avoid wearing bright oranges and choose light oranges.

A color that goes well with orange

  • The vitamin color yellow goes well with orange.
  • If you want to look stylish, it is recommended to match it with monotone colors such as white, black, and gray.
  • Also, it is easy to get used to earth tones such as navy, khaki, brown, and beige.

The Effect of Incorporating Orange in the Interior

Incorporating orange in the interior has a psychological effect that leads to positive and energetic feelings. Also, suppose you incorporate orange into your living room. In that case, you can add a friendly and cozy atmosphere of orange, so it is recommended for those who want to liven up communication.

In addition, orange is a color that increases appetite, so it is recommended to incorporate it into a dining room such as the kitchen or dining room. It’s good to use orange items such as tableware, tableware, and the interior. It is also effective to change the lighting to an orange light bulb color.

Orange is considered a child’s treasure in Feng Shui, so adding orange to the couple’s bedroom is recommended. The bedroom is a relaxing and private space, so if you want to calm down, you can use a light orange note to overstate its existence, and it will be easy to get used to the items in your room.

■ The orange interior is easy to incorporate.

  • Making the clock you see everyday orange will make you feel better. If you choose a simple design, it will be easy to grasp the time at a glance, and it will be easy to incorporate without becoming too flashy.
  • You can add an accent to your room by making the cushion cover on the sofa orange. It’s hard to change the color of big furniture at once. If you find it challenging to make orange as a whole, why not start with a cushion or other corner of the room?
  • If there are flowers in the room, it will look gorgeous. However, it is difficult to maintain, so many people may think that it is not so common to introduce fresh flowers into their daily lives.
  • Fake flowers are perfect for such people. If it is an artificial flower, it will not die, so even those who are not good at meticulous care should be able to take on the challenge.
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Jay Oza, a hairstylist turned Editor at Thrillinside.com. With a background of five years in the hairstyling industry, I have combined my passion for hairstyling with blogging, aiming to assist others on their hairstyle journey.